Register for our upcoming webinar
Advance your knowledge of sensing in the food, beverage and packaging industries. Join Mike Hamoy and John Wenzler from Omron Automation Americas as they review some recent successes exemplifying how our new and existing sensing product lines have worked in tandem with other Omron technologies to solve significant customer problems with long-lasting success:
About this giveaway
- The giveaway excludes precision measurement sensors and non-sensing products as presented on the Omron Automation Americas( "Hero :: Products :: Sensing 2") website.
- The combined selection of sensors cannot exceed $1,000.
- Unused prize money may not be redeemed for cash or held as a credit.
- The prize must be claimed within 30 days of official winner announcements.
- Winners will be selected randomly and notified via contact information provided.
- Terms & conditions are subject to change