Omron’s mobile robots present a new way to automate electronics and semiconductor materials transport without encountering the obstacles caused by AGVs. These mobile robots do not count as AGVs because there is no guiding strip necessary to control their movements. Instead, we identify them as “autonomous intelligent vehicles” (AIVs) because their innovative software allows them to self-navigate throughout dynamic environments along the shortest viable pathway to their destination. Space-efficient and capable of delivering materials on precise timetables, these robots boost throughput, cut costs and optimize labor.

This white paper will discuss the following topics:

  • Characteristics of autonomous intelligent vehicles and the Omron LD Series
  • How AIVs help save space and promote flexibility
  • How AIVs make delivery more reliable and enable more thorough traceability
  • How AIVs help optimize the workforce and improve safety
  • The role of the system integrator in optimizing an AIV application